This morning my son and I were walking through the forest, with all the familiar sights, sounds and smells of this place. When we’d reached a clearing, two loud, lumbering, low to the ground war planes slowly flew directly over our heads. My son looked up in amazement, but I also noticed an unfamiliar fear in his eyes. Once the… …read the rest.

The Price of Perspective
Two moms ditch their kids and their husbands for a recalibration in Italy and France, in the spring of 2015 This past fall I’d been a stay at home, self employed working mom for a year and a bit. I co-run a charity (Ladybird Animal Sanctuary), run a busy freelance website and graphic design business, and I was still actively… …read the rest.

Wonders of the World
Song written by Janine Stoll – inspired by the Kurt Vonnegut book “Slapstick” LYRICS They all fled to the island of Nashville A bathtub boat, a guitar and a banjo for oars I’m asleep up in a rubber tree Please don’t spare a fret on me I’m gonna wiat it out and see what the fall pukes up Don’t you… …read the rest.

Watertower Video
The DoneFors’ song “Watertower” is featured on their most recent ‘Lush Life Below the Poverty Line’ album. Based loosely on the time when Paul’s highschool friend climbed the water tower in Newmarket Ontario wearing nothing but a sock, the song explores the lengths people will go to get attention in relationships. Enjoy! Photos by Emma-Lee Photography – Album… …read the rest.

A Few of My Favourite Things
filling spice jars | fresh tomatoes from my garden on a sandwich | the perfect song | Boneshaker | Ken Burns’ Jazz | Tom Allen’s Shift | Megalomaniac | I Love You Through and Through | Ladybird Animal Sanctuary | The Daily Show with John Stewart | The Colbert Report |

Saying Goodbye to Besa
Besa was our constant companion. A sweet and sometimes surly ginger cat, he always wanted to be in the room that you were hanging out in, and was always up for a serious snuggle (which we referred to as ‘festering’). My husband and I loved him immensely, even though he totally cramped our bedroom style by insisting on sleeping between us every night. A few… …read the rest.

Birth Story of Our Baby
At the advice of my cousin Jessie (who is more like a sister to me), I’ve written the story of the birth of Paul and my son. Warning: this might get a little graphic for some. On August 3rd 2013 at 12:11am, Paul and I got to finally meet our beautiful baby boy. A week overdue and feeling like I’d… …read the rest.

In 2006 my boyfriend had acquired a cat from his room mate who had acquired her from a friend who’d left town. Her name was Terapin and she was a scrawny, scared Tortoise shell cat. Upon meeting this timid little girl, she and I quickly bonded and she came to really trust me and seem to be excited when I… …read the rest.